原语概述练习是在影子练习的延续。就是学员用原语跟读完一段讲话内容后,停下来凭记忆力对刚刚跟读的内容用同种语言进行概述,归纳讲话内容的核心思想。如: “On April 8 we have noticed the news of Japanese Prime Minister Morihiro Hosokawas resignation.This is an internal affairs of Japan . Prime Minister Hosokawa has made a valuable effort to promote Sino-Japanese friendly relations.We hope that Sino-Japanese relations can continue stable and healthful development.” 就可以概括为: “Japanese Prime Minister resigned.We hope this will not have impact on Sino-Japanese relations.” 开始做该类练习时,间隔时间可以相对短一点,在学员掌握要领之后再逐渐加长。原语概述练习的目的是培养学员短期记忆力、边听、边说、边想(抓核心内容)的习惯。